Financial Services


GSK Solutions Inc has domain expertise and understanding of accounting standard changes, cross selling, credit models, and data mining and reporting requirements. With our strengths around ERP, .NET, J2EE and other emerging technologies, we are fully equipped to help banks in their implementation initiatives for large-scale banking solutions (product implementations, customized development and support.

With growing competition, customer retention is becoming a critical issue. Lowering costs and keeping pace with the ever-changing regulations and business norms are few other challenges.

Investment management

Dipping interest rates, fluctuations in equities and stringent regulatory norms have created a highly demanding environment for Investment management firms. Identifying key drivers of value and risk in their portfolio is the key to remaining competitive in such a scenario. By leveraging our technology expertise.

GSK Solutions Inc helps investment management firms sell the right funds, at the right time, to the right customers, and through the right channel partners.

GSK Solutions Inc can help investment managers drive Company growth and profitability and service their market better.

Capital Market & Investment Banking

At GSK Solu­tions Inc, we un­der­stand all di­men­sions of the trad­ing & sale of both stand­ard and struc­tured cap­it­al-mar­ket products. With in­fin­ite factors af­fect­ing cap­it­al mar­kets and in­vest­ment banks, we help cus­tom­ers use the right tech­no­logy to de­vel­op suc­cess­fully in there IT in­vest­ments. Doc­u­ment man­age­ment sys­tems, Transna­tion­al and re­port­ing sys­tems and Work­flow man­age­ment from us will be­come your crit­ic­al dif­fer­en­ti­at­or.

Our un­der­stand­ing of cash man­age­ment, in­terest rates, com­mod­ity & struc­tured cred­it products, cur­rency, equity de­riv­at­ives, equity broker­age makes us the ideal part­ner for your or­gan­iz­a­tion.

Our tech­no­logy solu­tions will ad­dress your key busi­ness re­quire­ments.


One segment that is hovering for a major boom is the insurance sector. The global insurance industry today stands at a point of inflection. GSK Solutions Inc offers services to enable your insurance business realize the competitive advantage it deserves.