Oil & Gas


Due to the data explosion in recent years huge datasets are being generated every day and our expertise lies in helping our clients derive business benefits from this data to generate new revenue opportunities, create more effective marketing plans, provide better customer service, and have more improved operational efficiency to gain competitive advantages over rivals.

We have analyzed National Claims Data and developed propensity models to help organizations intelligently target their marketing dollars to find the right customers, resolved duplicate entries and linkage issues to assign single entity key to data for the same organization with similar but multiple entity keys, analyzed referral leakage and referral volume for physicians linked to an organization and performed many different analytics to help our clients streamline their business.


We build, im­ple­ment, and main­tain smart AI chat­bots that can serve as the next fron­ti­er in de­liv­er­ing op­tim­um cus­tom­er ex­per­i­ence.

We help enterprises throughout their AI transformation journey! Gsk provides consulting across evaluation and AI maturity assessment to help craft enterprise AI vision and roadmap. This includes creating business cases/ PoCs, quick win projects, and converting AI (Artificial Intelligence) into reality.

Our future-ready AI-powered bots support Natural Language Processing (NLP) driven conversations to deliver emotionally engaging experiences with a greater degree of precision.

Once integrated, we help enterprises analyzing a bot’s performance to remove bottlenecks and optimize it for best performance.

We implement and integrate bots across a variety of support channels to enable customers to connect via the web, mobile, Google Assistant, Facebook Messenger, Amazon Alexa, and other sources.